Kal-El and Zod

“Where did you train? On a farm?”

General Zod and Kal-El(Superman); originating from the planet Krypton in the distant physical heavens.

The trial of the last Kryptonians for Earth

The film “Man of Steel” is a Superman movie acted by Henry Cavill(Superman) with Michael Shannon(Zod), in which Superman fights to save earth against a remnant force of Kryptonians led by their surviving General Zod. Superman’s Kryptonian name is “Kal-El” and his archenemy in the movie, “Zod” both have Biblical Hebrew name and letter significance. For Superman, “Kal-El” has the following designation: “El”; a Hebrew prefix or suffix, that is often found in the names of the angels, and also the designation for “godlike ones”(angels; as well as other powerful beings.) Elohim in Hebrew sometimes refers to a plurality of the holy angels themselves, other times it even refers to God himself.

Zod’s Suite, Hans Zimmer

Thus, Superman’s “Kal-El” Krypton name, being from outside earth, the heavens, in fact on another planet, has both a godly and angelic quality.

Music of the Spheres

As for “Zod”, the word, if I can remember this correctly, was actually related to a Hebrew character or letter “Yod”. The Hebrew letter “Yod” or “Yodh” is one of the four letters that makes up God’s personal name found in the Bible(God’s name was commonly known among scholars after being disused, replaced, and concealed by the Bible scribes, as “The Tetragrammaton” (Meaning: Four Letters.))

Much less significantly, Zod was the rarest and most “lottery chance” find of a “high rune” in the video game Diablo II, which I played far too much and in retrospect, was an awful game.

The song Zod’s Suite, written by Hans Zimmer, was named after Zod and plays in the movie during the last battle between Zod and his followers against a lone Kal-El(Superman).

As godlike beings, they have the power to either save or destroy the world.




-J.D. Sandberg

About jeffdbsandberg

I cut down my own flesh using a tool of insanity once. Besides that, I am an author, writer, and reader, of history, enigmas and the Bible especially, with a long and distressing past of fantasy, sci-fi and cosmic horror(pillars such as Tolkien, Star Wars, and HP Lovecraft.) I enjoy listening to musical grief and clarity incessantly, and really love cats as well as their prey, sparrows, chickadees, and other birds... The beauty of the female form among women is an impelling force beyond the starlight and beyond many thrones of my heart. Of greatest fear and desire is toward those bearing red crowns.

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